Reading Mountaineering Club
We are a friendly and active group of people who are passionate about climbing, walking, and scrambling; the range of abilities is wide. Our activities include regular climbing at Parthian (formerly RCC) on Wednesday evenings or the Climbing Hangar, regular meets away, and local socials. The club has a lively atmosphere and is a good way to meet like-minded people.
Usually the meets list covers monthly trips to areas such as the Lakes, North Wales, Peak district, Gower, Pembrokeshire, and Cornwall. We would typically camp or stay in a hut. The club provides a perfect forum, through its Facebook site and WhatsApp group, for organising additional trips.
We are a friendly group so, if you feel like meeting us first, before a climb, get in touch!
Contact and Joining Info
Membership of the club for 2025 costs £36 for an individual (reduced to £22 for students/unemployed/retired). Membership for a couple (any two people living at the same address) is £62. For this subscription members have access to meets/the club network and affiliation to the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) which gives you third party insurance when climbing (and one copy of 'Summit' per year - the Feb/Mar issue which includes details of the BMC AGM).
Note: prospective members are very welcome to come along to a monthly or social meet before deciding if they wish to join.
You can join at the Parthian wall in Reading on a Wednesday evening, or send us a completed application form.
If you would like more information please find us on Facebook or send an e-mail to A member of the committee will contact you.
© Reading Mountaineering Club 2023. All rights reserved.